Haki Farmers Collective

Volunteer Plant Potting

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We are calling for 2-3 volunteers for a plant dig with our friends at Thurston Santo Tomas Sister Community Association. This year Haki is assisting the Thurston Santo Tomas Project during their annual plant sale to raise funds for community projects in Santo Tomas, Chontales, Nicaragua. During this volunteer session we will be digging up […]

Urban Farm Work Party

Haki Urban Farm 7027 Martin Way E, Olympia, WA, United States

Join us on the urban farm on April 1st and 22nd from 12:00 - 4:00 PM to help with our spring plantings. Come get your hands dirty, meet our team, and learn how you can take on individual volunteer roles on our farms for the 2023 season. Please email us with any questions.